Friday, December 26, 2014

I'll Eat You Last - A Chat With Sue Mengers - Unicorn Theatre

I honestly thought I was going to die during this show. Being born in 1977, some of the jokes went over my head, but I was extremely tickled by the audience members who are (just a bit) older than me who were dying. This was a raunchy, completely inappropriate show that I watched on 12/23/2014, two days before Christmas. Nothing feels more naughty than watching something completely inappropriate right before Christmas.

Donna Thomason was amazing.

I've been sick, and I have two plays of my own to finish for my women 365 workshop, so this review is brief. Just go watch it. I have to write plays myself, so I gifted my subscription of Baghdad zoo to 2 of my friends for tonight. We'll see how they enjoy that. Check out the calendar and buy yourself some tickets for this weekend: